#CFLAGS # use this for custom CFLAGS #V # set to show cc command line when building #DEFAULT_BASEDIR # extra path to search for main and such #BUILD_SERVER # build the 'iowolfmpded' server binary #BUILD_CLIENT # build the 'iowolfmp' or 'iowolfsp' client binary #BUILD_BASEGAME # build the 'main' binaries #BUILD_GAME_SO # build the game shared libraries #BUILD_GAME_QVM # build the game qvms #BUILD_STANDALONE # build binaries suited for stand-alone games #SERVERBIN # rename 'iowolfmpded' server binary #CLIENTBIN # rename 'iowolfmp' or 'iowolfsp' client binary #BASEGAME # rename 'main' #BASEGAME_CFLAGS # custom CFLAGS for basegame #USE_OPENAL # use OpenAL where available #USE_OPENAL_DLOPEN # link with OpenAL at runtime #USE_CURL # use libcurl for http/ftp download support #USE_CURL_DLOPEN # link with libcurl at runtime #USE_CODEC_VORBIS # enable Ogg Vorbis support #USE_CODEC_OPUS # enable Ogg Opus support #USE_MUMBLE # enable Mumble support #USE_VOIP # # enable built-in VoIP support #USE_INTERNAL_SPEEX # build internal speex library instead of dynamically linking against system libspeex #USE_FREETYPE # enable FreeType support for rendering fonts #USE_INTERNAL_ZLIB # build and link against internal zlib #USE_INTERNAL_JPEG # build and link against internal JPEG library #USE_INTERNAL_OGG # build and link against internal ogg library #USE_INTERNAL_OPUS # build and link against internal opus/opusfile libraries #USE_LOCAL_HEADERS # use headers local to ioq3 instead of system ones #DEBUG_CFLAGS # C compiler flags to use for building debug version #COPYDIR # the target installation directory #TEMPDIR # specify userdefined directory for temp files CFLAGS=-march=native -mtune=native -O3 -pipe USE_INTERNAL_LIBS=0 USE_LOCAL_HEADERS=0 USE_MUMBLE=0 USE_VOIP=0 USE_CODEC_OPUS=0 NO_STRIP=1 USE_RENDERER_DLOPEN=0 #CLIENT_CFLAGS+=-I/usr/include/opus